


Communication is an emerging and exciting industry with a wide variety of career applications. 选择专业是一个重大的决定, so we are here to break down the benefits of earning a degree in communication and what you can do with your degree.


沟通技巧几乎可以应用于每一个行业, so a communication degree is going to be useful no matter what career you pursue. 这里有一些最流行的使用沟通学位的方法.

传媒专业的学生是优秀的社交媒体管理者. Running social 媒体 accounts involves knowing how to convey messages through a brand’s tone of voice and ensuring content is interpreted in the way it was intended.


作为一名社交媒体经理, 你将花费大量的时间来撰写和编辑文章, 视频, 以及其他数字媒体. 

  • 市场经理平均年薪:138,730美元
  • 就业前景:增长6%

Studying communication involves becoming an expert in writing for your audience. Copywriters 是必需的 to develop messages and strategies to reach an intended audience with a specific message and call to action.

  • 作家和作者的平均工资:每年73,150美元
  • 就业前景:增长4%

Editorial assistants help to write and edit content to make it ready for publication. Learning the art of narrative and storytelling during a communication degree program prepares you to be an excellent editorial assistant.

  • 编辑平均年薪:73080美元/年
  • 就业前景:下降4%

Another popular career choice for communication majors is to work in the film and TV production industry. 许多传播课程涵盖数字媒体和广播技能.

  • 电影和视频编辑的平均工资:每年62,420美元
  • 就业前景:增长7%

公共关系 involves strategic communication and relationship building, 让它成为传媒专业的完美职业. 

  • 公共关系专家平均年薪:67,440美元
  • 就业前景:增长6%

Communication graduates find themselves well-prepared for careers in 市场营销 and advertising. While a degree in 市场营销 may provide more targeted training for 市场营销 careers, communication majors will still have many of the basic skills needed to succeed in 市场营销 and can receive further job training in their role. 

  • 广告和市场经理的平均工资:每年138,730美元
  • 就业前景:增长6%

Event planning involves working with multiple vendors and stakeholders at the same time. 同时处理各种各样的事情是很有挑战性的, 因此,能够与人清晰地沟通将是非常有益的.

  • 平均活动策划人工资:每年52,560美元
  • 就业前景:增长8%

新闻 is an exciting field focusing on current events and global issues. Communication majors will perfect the art of narrative and storytelling and be able to write compelling articles for publications. 

  • 记者平均工资: 每年55,960美元
  • 就业前景:下降3%

新闻 and broadcasting careers bring together the skills of writing and production. Broadcast journalism is an exciting industry where writing and digital 媒体 work together to bring information to an audience.

  • 普通新闻分析师 & 记者工资:每年55,960美元
  • 就业前景:下降3%

Working in 销售 和管理 is one of the highest-paying career choices for communication majors who have an interest in 业务, 销售, 和管理.

  • 销售经理平均年薪:130,600美元
  • 就业前景:增长4% 

如果你喜欢和人一起工作和解决问题, you may be a great candidate to use your communication degree in human resources. Human resource specialists spend time recruiting new employees and keeping the day-to-day processes of an organization running smoothly. 

  • 人力资源专员平均年薪:64,240美元
  • 就业前景:增长6%

Nonprofit management is a great way to bring your passions and career together. Working as a nonprofit manager is a rewarding career and can be a promising career path for communication majors. 

  • 社会和社区服务经理的平均工资:每年74,240美元
  • 就业前景:增长9%

Students who love communication can earn a graduate degree and become professors, preparing and investing in the next generation of communication specialists. 

  • 高等教育教师平均工资:每年80840美元
  • 就业前景:增长8%


The courses offered in a communication major will vary depending on the program, 所以选择一个符合你兴趣的项目是很重要的. 

At 十大赌博网站, communication majors take courses such as:

  • 媒体简介
  • 人际沟通
  • 公民话语与共同利益
  • 通信理论 & 研究
  • 沟通伦理
  • 说服
  • 全球数字媒体伦理
  • 人工智能,智能手机 & 社交媒体
  • 数字文化
  • 非语言交流
  • 性别的沟通 
  • 跨文化沟通
  • 解决冲突
  • 组织沟通原则
  • 风险 & 危机沟通
  • 专业的沟通


Communication majors may decide to pursue a specialization or concentration to better prepare for specific careers. 一些最流行的通信专业包括:

  • 公共关系
  • 健康传播
  • 新闻
  • 政治
  • 广播
  • 市场营销
  • 数字媒体


职业生涯 in the 媒体 and communication industry are expected to grow as fast as the average growth rate for all industries between 2022 and 2032. There are around 114,300 new job openings in 媒体 and communication every year.

Some communication jobs are expected to grow at a rate much faster than the national average. These jobs include nonprofit managers, professors, event planners, and film production editors. 


Some of the most important skills to have as a communication major include:

  • 写作技巧
  • 公众演讲
  • 团队合作
  • 适应性
  • 社交和人际交往能力
  • 多媒体 

应用 to PBA’s Online Communication Degree and Start Your Career in Communication Today

报名参加十大赌博网站 传播学文学学士 并打开各种行业的大门. 


整个媒体和传播行业的平均工资是66240美元. This is higher than the average salary across all industries, which is $46,310. 

研究生s with communication degrees have high earning potential and can earn more than $150,在一些管理岗位上年薪可达5000万美元. 

Communication degrees are one of the most useful degrees because they can be used in so many industries. Learning how to communicate effectively is a strong skill to carry into your professional career. 

Communication degrees are generally considered less academically demanding than a degree in science or mathematics. 然而, communication can be challenging in its own way depending on your specific skills and comfort level. 

Earning a degree in communication can help you become more comfortable with public speaking and feel confident about your writing skills. 

A degree in communication can prepare you for graduate studies in communication, 业务, 市场营销, 公共关系, 媒体, 还有更多. 

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